My Favorite Book
My favorite book is The Twilight Saga. It contains four books : Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. But some die-hard fans said that there will be a new additional series of it, titled : The Midnight Sun.
The author is Stephenie Meyer. She also write another best seller novel, The Host. I read The Twilight Saga when I was in Indonesia so I read in Bahasa Indonesia. I have read four of them :D
I love these books because the story is fantastic. The Twilight Saga is a fiction book so it is not based on true story. It's about love triangle between a male vampire (Edward Cullen), a woman (Isabella 'Bella' Swan), and a shape-shifter (Jacob Black). What makes it so interesting is because Stephenie Meyer write these book in a fabolous way. Once you have read this book, you can not put it down because you always want to know about what will happen next. She used a very attractive ways of writing. So I hope all of you will start to read this book because this is one of the best book ever!
Here comes the Twilight trailer, this movie was already released last year and hit the number 1 box office:
And this is the New Moon Trailer, this is a new movie, it will be release on 20th of November 2009:
Well. This is my topic for today. Hope you guys can enjoy everything I wrote :D and start to read The Twilight Saga!! :D
P.S : I can't wait for New Moon movie!!